It was more than a million years ago… …that a man hurled a stone at a prey in the dark of night. In the dark, this stone hit a rock…..and from this collision, rays of light came out…..which everyone saw. The man had discovered fire. But at the same time, a compromise in human life had also come about. This fire was everything to him. It protected him from the cold, protected him from sudden attacks by animals, and saved him from the trouble of eating and digesting the hard meat. It became easier for man to masticate and eat meat softened on the fire. Fire has played a very important role in the growth of the human brain……because the energy of man was not spent on masticating and digesting food… …which led a lot of energy to the development of neurons in his brain……and the size of the brain began to grow large. Meaning that fire was the greatest discovery for man to date. But the compromise with it was that… …here it got out of control and everything was burnt. It will burn settlements, jungles and devour the hale and hearty people. To date, no curative treatment for burns has been discovered. Hence the discovery and the use of fire was a compromise… …in which fire was both a necessity and a hanging sword. After the fire, what else man did not invent or discover. Invented language……learned to mound wood and iron… …made weapons, built everything from steam engines to space shuttles. But he was not afraid of anything more than fire again. So much so that we have reached the age of artificial intelligence. Yes, AI.
AI is also a fire-like discovery of modern man. The story of AI is also very interesting. Automation, which has now evolved into modern AI began in the ancient Egyptian, Iraqi, and Chinese civilizations. Because these three places have found clocks that used to tell time by sunlight without human intervention. In the desert or any flat place, these ancient people would place a sundial where the sun shines. Which was a round or semi-circular tray with a straight stick or nail attached at the center at a 90-degree angle which can be called a dial. This stone or wooden tray had marks on the pattern of the clocks today. Now as the sun moved, so did the shadow on the dial. The shadow moved over the marks below, which indicated the time. No one had to intervene repeatedly in this simple machine. This dial was used to determine the working hours of laborers in Egypt. Traces of it have also been found in the Valley of the Kings in Egypt.
The fellow Sumerians, the people of Iraq, were the first… …to divide the sundial into 12 hours……and this division is still in vogue. They divided the day into 12 parts and not 10 as they counted on the system of 12.That is, they would count right-hand knuckles from the thumb. So they were 12 in number. The practice of writing was not common yet… …so this simple hand calculator sufficed them for plus-minus in daily life. One hand means 12 and two 24. Today we also use the count of dozens in some places in buying and selling. It is a reminder of the ancient era of calculating on the fingers. So, the sundial was man’s first major automation invention in AI. But the problem was that when the weather was cloudy or it rained……the dial did not work. Because it needed sunlight all the time. He conceived this idea from water dripping into a tub at his father’s shop. He created a simple but genius automation system… …that as water would drop down into flask below……the wooden sign above would move. By that, the correct time could be known at any part of the day we showed you in the first video on the Muslim Golden Age… …that the Muslims took this invention much further…..and surprised the courtiers of King Charlemagne of France. So, by these small leaps, in the 20th century, people made tools……then power looms and then using the same equipment… …began designing from programming to coding. The man taking over the job of a robot waiter… …is George Devil, the scientist……who built the first robot for General Motors. This robot shifts hot parts from one place to another in a car factory. It also helped the laborers and gave them protection. It was programmed to work each time for an operation……and it worked up to 50 hours without fatigue. By this time calculators and an early form of computer had also come into being. When scientific progress reached this point……science philosophers began to fear that if this technology… …programming and automation, AI etc. fell into the wrong hands, what would happen?
What will happen if it goes in the wrong direction? If it was automated, what would happen? What would happen if its control went out of human hands?
This fear was reduced by a game. Garry Casper, born in Azerbaijan, was such a genius chess grandmaster…..that he played 2400 matches in his life… …and lost only about 170.
That is, his victory rate was ninety-three percent. He was such a genius that he would win by playing multiple tables simultaneously. From 1985 to 2000, he was the world champion. A great chess player is a chess master. Gary Casper was the Grandmaster. When Casper was world champion, IBM computers were the talk of the town. Work on artificial intelligence has stalled since the 1960s.
working start on AI
Since the programmers spent millions of dollars on this technology but failed to produce any useful product. That is, no profitable product could be made. So when other companies were exhausted… …IBM started working on artificial intelligence in this void. It began to make the AI games. These were petty games, played by computers rather than humans. You may remember the small board games… …which you used to play alone and made the computer a player.and we could also decide what level of difficulty it could cause us. Easy, mid or Expert level. So it was common to see that a novice player would lose on a hard level……but a good player would beat the computer on any hard level. So it was decided that the machine can never surpass man. Man will always be ahead of machine in intelligence. It was a human conceit. He was proud. The reason the machine was lagging behind was… …was the lack of speed to process the expert-level data by the computer For example, a good chess player can think of 3,4, or 5 moves of his opponent……which was impossible for computers at that time. Then a person while playing keeps in mind the other person’s past mistakes……that is, where did my opponent play wrong.and on which trick of the game, is he weak. Obviously, the programming of the time did not have this capability… …the computer could not do it all. To do all that, it was to remember every single move of the opponent……then process that data in such a way… …that it knows what it did wrong last time.that is, it also has past experience. Then moving at a time, it must think sharper moves than the human mind can the quantum of data it needed to do all this, we call it Big Data today. And the mechanism required to process this data is called deep thinking. So IBM upped its chess game with the help of big data and artificial intelligence……so that it can compete with Garry Kasparov.
In the 1990s, there were competitions… …between Kasparov and the deep-thinking big data robot “Deep Blue.”
In 1996 in Philadelphia, USA, De Kasparov and Blue came face to face.
Challenge of intelligence between man and machine
This was the first such challenge of intelligence between man and machine… …which we can undoubtedly call an epoch-making moment a turning the human arrogance that a machine can never outsmart it, stood challenged Kasparov and IBM’s Deep Blue computer had six rounds. Four were won by Kasparov.and two by Deep Blue. Overall man won over the machine. But remember.he also lost two rounds. And this happened for the first time in history. A year later, IBM improvised… …on technology. Machine learning; Deep Thinking was deepened further. Big data was improved and the two matched again in 1997.This time, Deep Blue challenged Kasparov… …and Kasparov also challenged Deep Blue to repeatedly heat up its processor. So much so that it was to be restarted several times. However, after 19 moves in the last round, Kasparov resigned from the game. He conceded defeat. For the first time in history, a machine had defeated a human in intelligence. It was a watershed moment. Kasparov admitted the computer calculated more moves than him……so it could win. Man had lost the machine. Man’s arrogance shattered that no matter how advanced the machine, it……could not surpass man in intelligence, in the ability to think and predict. But the Chinese laughed at the game and the result. The Chinese did not believe it and said chess was a simple game. Eight by eight lines. It has only 64 boxes… …and the game is over in a few moves.
The actual one is their 2500-year-old “Go” which is 19X19 in lines. That means it had a total of 361 boxes… …and defeating a man on it, is a real challenge for a machine. This game was hard as the opponent’s pieces were not only to be beaten……but also beset them and acquire as much area as possible. So the Chinese Go game demanded more intelligence and focus. Its level of memory and deep thinking were times higher than the Classify you are a math student or know it, you will easily digest it… …there are not as many atoms in the universe as possible moves in a Go board game are. So the Chinese thought playing the moves with such huge chances was impossible. The Chinese believed contrary to Chess, a computer could not beat the man in ‘Go’.
So the superiority of man over machine will never end. Now a team of British engineers from Google with the help of Chinese experts designed the Chinese Go game in artificial intelligence. They then challenged the number one player of the Go game, Lee Sewol……to get a million dollars if he defeated the Google AlphaGo program. South Korean teenager Lee Sewol was an extremely expert, level-9 player. Such a player that he was called God’s Mind, “Head of the God.” Lee So idol accepted Google’s challenge and even boasted that he would lose at most one round in a game of four rounds. In March 2016, 280 million Asians were glued to the screens to watch the match in which Google “AlphaGo” defeated Lee Sewol in the first 3 matches of 5.Lee won 4th match as the Game made a mistake and he did not let it recover AlphaGo struck again in the fifth game. Lee Sewol, who had to beat the computer 4-1, lost 4-1 himself.
A machine cannot beat man in intelligence was broken
The illusion of man that a machine cannot beat man in intelligence was broken. Though, player Lee was very sad. But he said “Man has lost the most difficult game in the world to a machine, but not humanity. Because the game was designed by a man. So it was important at that time… …that the people said, man has lost to machines, now machines will rule. So he explained a viewpoint that humanity was not defeated and it was correct.
In 2019, Le Sewol also retired from the sport, saying, “I may be number one……but I know there is one entity I can never beat.” I admit it. Several Chinese players after that also challenged “AlphaGo”. One was in 2020 when a Chinese Mr. Key said he could beat AlphaGo But he was also defeated by AlphaGo. Why and how did this happen? What jinni had entered the machine……that even its makers were not going beyond and were being beaten? One is Rule Based Programming and the other Neural Network Programming. The people of rule-based programming held that programming is “if and then,” that is If so and so command is given, it should be based on such and such. This is like robots which are made for industries. That is, engineers will do all the coding. Per as needed and the machine will be designed according to certain rules and they will not deviate from all these rules, regulations and coding. When the machine needs to be updated, the engineers will do it. The neural network programming approach was radical and expensive. Instead of designing and structuring programs iteratively they should be written in such a way that they begin to learn on their own that is, programmers are taught programming and after that, they are given maximum data for their auto-updating. Here, more and more information goes into the neurons… …to keep a man updated and mature it.
In the neural network programming approach, it was made possible through… …deep learning, deep data and high-speed processing in the programmers. Google created the “AlphaGo” game IBM’s updated Deep Blue system which beat the best players, became possible due to this deep learning. The first time Deep Blue lost it was just human programming IBM then paid Kasparov lots of dollars to play with the machine repeatedly to let the machine collect data on his moves? Every time a wrong move would make it realize the damage it could do……it goes to the second, third, fourth, and fifth options. This data was taken not only from but for Kasparov On countless players. Tournaments were monitored and every move recorded so the machine could learn. Google’s AlphaGo game also taught the machine to learn and update itself…using deep learning and big data. It made the machine so powerful for the best moves by predicting other moves that it went out of human control to pursue such a large number of moves.
A person can move with only four, five or six moves in mind at most and trap the opponent visualizing a big map. Whereas a machine does this job with thousands and millions of options. Now the same system is being used worldwide and role-based is reserved for limited tasks. Now major companies are gathering the maximum data in the world… …for developing machines equal to deep thinking. Data is even being taken directly from the human brain for which biochips are implanted in the human brain to teach the machine to read the thoughts and commands that arise in the mind.
In 2016 a Swiss company fitted a paralyzed monkey which had a non-functioning leg, with a prosthetic leg and enabled it to move. That is, implanting a chip in the monkey’s brain enabled it to move its artificial leg. Then, in April 2021, a video surfaced of a 9-year-old monkey playing the game “Mind Pong.” He had to put a small ball into a square box. For every success, it got a sip of sweet banana juice. The steel pipe you see in the video is actually where he used to get a sip from. Everyone except the monkey, who was named Pager… …knew it was the subject of vital science experiments of Elon Musk’s company. Had a biochip implanted in his head, inside his brain. At the end of this chip were wires of countless electrodes as thin as a hair. The biochip would take data on the neuron movements from the monkey’s brain and send its viral singlets to a laboratory computer. From this data, the scientists were able to infer that when the monkey wants… …to move its hands and arms muscles then how neurons in which parts of the brain spark. All this data was fed to AI programs for years of such experiments. Finally, it eased understanding of the link between neurons and muscles and its process and it made for the first milestone for AI companies. Now the second challenge was to allow the machine to learn itself.
Just as we translate from one language to another, so the language… …of the brain was to be translated into the language of the computer i.e. convert it into codes. Today it has achieved great success.
That is if a human or any animal that has this chip implanted in the brain, and wants to move a connected electronic device, the “biochip” will send this command to that device. Whether it is a mechanical body part, computer, typing, or use of a smartphone. So, it could be done by thinking. The chip will function as it has been designed.
Brain Computer Interface (BCI)
The technology to translate the signals from the brain’s neurons into machine……language binary code is called a BCI, “Brain Computer Interface”. Yes, this is the real game. That is, a code language that directly links the human mind to the machine. Machines and minds began to understand the language of each other. This technology has been developed by AI’s neural network school of thought. It’s not the case that the machine will run a film on a computer reading a person’s mind… …or record your dreams to embarrass you in the morning. All these are filmy and science fiction. The development of this technology to date is only that there have been devices……on the pattern of Elon Musk’s Neural Link device N1 that can move these artificial limbs, prosthetic limbs, in the same way as a healthy hand or foot gets by a man. It will be most beneficial to those who lose their limbs in an accident. People who suffer from paralysis or Parkinson’s disease, or suffer from motor neuron problems like Stephen Hawking. So all these people will be able to move with artificial limbs, just like healthy limbs. Undoubtedly, this is the wonder of AI. On January 31, 2024, Elon Musk tweeted that his company, neural ink……, had implanted the N1 chip in the brain of a diseased person. Keep in mind over the last two decades much has been done on “BCI” technology neural ink is not the only company. Brain gate, Blackrock Neurotic, Medtronic-Motive and “Brain Co” and many are working on it. They are developing organs that are controlled by a brain chip. But in reality, it is still in the developing stage. Cutting the scalp and fixing the mesh of electrodes in it and then fixing it again invisibly with cosmetic surgery is a major challenge. Even the bigger challenge is, will it not happen that humans get hacked? Because after all, this biochip is just a computer and a program. It is open to hacking when it can send radio or Bluetooth signals. That is, someone can control the mind from outside. And it is the fear. It may be of your interest that Elon Musk’s company neural ink……has named its product Telepathy. Which of course you know is the pseudoscience of mind control. So this technology will remain open to risk… …that another program can hack it’s this technology still faces many challenges and practical issues. Malfunctioning and batteries are also a big problem… …That is, how to keep the battery constantly charged. But whatever it is, this technology and many similar AI technologies are being raced by the world’s most powerful nations. Especially in China and America. Both are waging the same technology war for advanced AI as the atomic bomb and moon landing in Russia and America in the 60s and 70s.Now you ask who is winning in this race? China is ahead of the USA in some fields of AI and lags behind in others. But seeing the pace of China’s progress, experts say that in 10 years, it will beat the US in AI, Internet AI, Business AI Automation AI, BCI, and Deep Data Handling. Why would it leave it behind? There are several reasons for this. We present only three to you.
Absence of democracy and freedom of expression in China
One reason is the absence of democracy and freedom of expression in China… …Therefore at the public or private level, inside and outside, anywhere, China collects private data without any hindrance. That is, Chinese experts do not face any internal legal difficulties in data privacy. Fear that someone will sue a Chinese person for violating privacy is not there. So in Internet AI, such as “face recognition” and “voice recognition”, China is ahead of the US by a ratio of 60-40 Secondly, number of Chinese youth and startups is much higher than in the US because from the primary level education in schools, the Chinese government is training children in AI. There are special desks set up in schools… that are teaching children lower-level elementary programming……and automation is being instilled in the minds of kids. A 10-year-old Chinese child knows more about AI than an American child at 10.Thirdly, China
Operates on a heavy-touch policy, and the US on a light-touch now as you all know about the American company Uber. Its equivalent Chinese app is “DD”. Uber neither owns vehicles nor does their service or supplies them with oil. It is a Light Touch model of IA. In contrast, Chinese app “DD” has its own fuel stations and provides many services including vehicle maintenance and others. This is why “DD” has more data to improve the service than the American company Uber. This is why “DD” has more data to improve the service… …than the American company Uber. Another example is WhatsApp and WeChat of heavy and light touch. WeChat is a Chinese app similar to the American messaging app WhatsApp. But Chinese WeChat does messaging and calls it is also a complete wallet and a bank useful for buying and selling stocks paying bills and taxes, and for booking airline and railway tickets. And so many other micro programs can be installed and designed therein and can also be sold through it. So Chinese WeChat has the world data including that of its 1.5 billion population. WhatsApp can never have that amount of data. Nowadays, both WhatsApp and, which are American companies are struggling to somehow make their apps handle finances…and other WeChat functions. We humans, playing with fire, have reached the fire again. Reaching AI is a journey from fire to fire. Why? A controlled AI will provide humanity with centuries of security and well-being. This will take the man to new worlds in space. If it goes out of control, it will be the death alarm for humanity. Everyone is giving his opinion about it……so we think we should welcome AI and learn as much as……we can without fearing that it may take the wrong direction. It must be taught and be taught from it to the maximum degree. Because in case it falls into the wrong hands, that can be healthy with… …with the right hand through the same technology.AI in the evil hands or its misdirection can be countered with advanced Ian. The good guys have to befriend AI, lest only the powerful bad people become the sole license holders of this vitally important technology. And the weak should be killed for none of their faults.
According to Iqbal… The fatwa of the judge of destiny is from day one; the guilt of weakness……is awarded with sudden death.